Homeopathy recognizes the three levels of a human being, mental, emotional, and physical. Each remedy is ‘proved’, meaning it has been tested on a group of volunteers and symptoms that arise are recorded. This is what we call Materia Medica. During a proving some of the provers may experience symptoms on one or more of these levels. Homeopathy is about individual susceptibility. For example, during a proving a person who is normally outgoing becomes reclusive and avoids company. She may dwell on sad experiences from the past. She may develop headaches, and feel worse in the sun. She may also become constipated. She may have an increased thirst, and an increased desire for salty foods. All of these new symptoms only started during the proving.
If a patient came to me for headaches, I would take time to get a good understanding of the whole person, and if I found she fit the symptom picture of a certain remedy, for example was reclusive, aggravated from the sun, constipated, thirsty, and liked salt, I would give a particular remedy that matched her symptoms and overall state of being. I prescribe not just for the headache or particular condition, but for the person who suffers from it. A different patient with the same complaint (migraines) may get a different remedy based upon the total symptom picture. Every prescription is individualized based on the whole person.
Homeopathy defines health as freedom on all three levels: mental freedom is the ability to think clearly, creatively, harmoniously. Emotional freedom is to experience the full range of human emotions appropriate to the situation, without getting stuck. Physical freedom entails freedom of movement, function, lack of pain, organs working correctly, etc.
Symptoms or illness represent dysfunction of the vital force, which may be caused by many factors, including bacteria, viruses, environmental toxins, overwork, overexposure, drugs, injuries, emotional stress, grief, chronic anger, depression, etc. When the simillimum is given, a shift occurs, and healing comes on a deep level. I find that many chronic illnesses in our modern society originate on the emotional level, often from childhood. We spend our lives locked in patterns of thought, feelings and behavior. The correct homeopathic remedy tends to help unlock those patterns, resulting in increased energy, sense of well-being, and restoration of harmonious functioning of mind, emotions and body. Health is freedom, flexibility, ease.
As a naturopathic physician I find that if patients with chronic problems such as adult onset diabetes, hormonal problems, hyperactivity, fatigue, high cholesterol, allergies, arthritis, and other diseases, are willing to make lifestyle changes, including exercise, changing their diet, etc., drugs such as statins (which have bad side effects), oral hypoglycemics like metformin, and many other meds are unnecessary, especially when patients are willing to incorporate some simple lifestyle changes.
Homeopathy is great for people of all ages. It seems almost miraculous in treating accidents and injuries, as well as chronic problems. Both children and adults respond readily to the correct homeopathic remedy. Homeopathy not only hastens resolution of acute illness like influenza, ear infections, cystitis, or coughs, but eliminates the susceptibility to recurring infections. Homeopathy is also wonderful for the elderly. Even those suffering from severe illness, or near the end of life, can experience relief of pain and anxiety with homeopathy.
In summary, classical homeopathy (using only one remedy, and looking at the whole person) is the best-kept secret in medicine. It is largely misunderstood, and widely criticized by those who lack understanding of homeopathy. It is practiced throughout the world. In India there are over 90 homeopathic medical colleges. Homeopathy is widely recognized in Europe and many South American countries. Despite the negative press, homeopathy continues to grow throughout the world. I have seen homeopathy change lives over my many years of practice. With homeopathic treatment, many patients have told me “You’ve given me back my life.”